
About Me
Cleaning My Indoor Air

Up until a few years ago, I would get sick whenever the seasons would change. I couldn't figure it out, until one day when an HVAC contractor pointed out my filthy air filters. I am embarrassed to say it, but I didn't know that air filters had to be changed at all, and all of that filthy air was circulating through my home. After I changed the air filters and started to take care of my HVAC system, my allergies got a lot better and I didn't feel as sick. I want other people to understand the massive benefits of taking care of their HVAC systems, so I put up this website.


5 Tips For Preventing Clogged Drains

9 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems. They tend to occur at the most inconvenient times and can be quite a pain. While it may not be possible to avoid every drain clog, it is possible to dramatically reduce them. Here are five helpful tips for preventing clogged drains: Don't Dump Grease in Your Drain Many people pour leftover cooking grease down the drain without thinking twice about it. Read More …

Consider These Various Heating Options When Designing A Custom Home

2 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Giving careful consideration to how your home will be heated is important when you've bought a plot of land and are having a home custom built. When you move into an existing home, you're essentially stuck with its heating method unless you want to take on a significant renovation project—but, with a custom design, you can select the heating method that suits the overall look of the home and your budget. Read More …