About Me
Cleaning My Indoor Air

Up until a few years ago, I would get sick whenever the seasons would change. I couldn't figure it out, until one day when an HVAC contractor pointed out my filthy air filters. I am embarrassed to say it, but I didn't know that air filters had to be changed at all, and all of that filthy air was circulating through my home. After I changed the air filters and started to take care of my HVAC system, my allergies got a lot better and I didn't feel as sick. I want other people to understand the massive benefits of taking care of their HVAC systems, so I put up this website.


3 Sounds Your AC Units Should Not Be Making

26 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Heating and cooling your home is important. Not only does it keep your family comfortable through the varying seasons, but proper heating and cooling ensures your indoor air quality is healthy. Therefore, making sure your system is in proper working condition is imperative. Unfortunately, nothing is meant to last forever, so you may experience signs your system is in distress. If your outdoor unit is making one or more of the following sounds, it is most likely in distress and in need of repair. Read More …

How Duct Dampers And Your Thermostat Can Balance Your Home’s Cooling

17 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Does your home have rooms that are not getting cool when the air conditioner is on during the summer? While you may think this problem is due to your air conditioner, it is actually a problem that could be caused by the HVAC system dampers and thermostat. It is important to understand how these two things operate so that you can balance the cold air in your house. What Are Duct Dampers? Read More …

2 Reasons To Utilize A Heating Repair Service

5 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Hiring a heating repair service to take a look at your heating system can often be a very good idea. Here are two reasons to utilize a heating repair service. To Help You Make Your Heating System As Efficient As Possible A good reason to utilize a heating repair service is that it can help you make your heating system as efficient as possible. One of the reasons for this is that the heating repair service can go through every aspect of your heating system in order to determine what is driving your heating bills higher and work to resolve those issues. Read More …

Answering Your Important Questions About Home Furnace Systems

12 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A modern furnace system will be equipped with powerful components that can distribute warm air throughout the house. While a furnace can be indispensable for homes in areas where the winters are particularly cold, there are homeowners that can frequently underestimate the importance of knowing as much as possible when it concerns one of these systems. How Does The Condition Of The Thermostat Influence The Performance Of The System? The thermostat is one of the more critical components of the furnace> Without a well-balanced and correctly functioning thermostat, the furnace will have no way of effectively regulating the interior temperature of the house. Read More …

3 Things You Can Easily Do To Keep Your House Comfortable In The Winter

2 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As it nears the winter, many people are worried about keeping their houses warm. But if you are not careful, you can easily overspend on your utilities so that you are no longer staying within a reasonable budget. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to make sure that your home is more energy efficient. Here are some tips. 1. Better Insulate Your House Obviously, it would be ideal for everyone to be able to get into the walls and better insulate their house against the outside elements. Read More …