About Me
Cleaning My Indoor Air

Up until a few years ago, I would get sick whenever the seasons would change. I couldn't figure it out, until one day when an HVAC contractor pointed out my filthy air filters. I am embarrassed to say it, but I didn't know that air filters had to be changed at all, and all of that filthy air was circulating through my home. After I changed the air filters and started to take care of my HVAC system, my allergies got a lot better and I didn't feel as sick. I want other people to understand the massive benefits of taking care of their HVAC systems, so I put up this website.


Is It Time For Air Conditioning Replacement? 3 Signs You Need To Pay Close Attention To

24 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

When taking care of your appliances, you shouldn't ignore your residential air conditioning unit because it is an essential part of your home. It's advisable to ensure that all its components are in good working order to improve your indoor air quality and comfort in your house. Nevertheless, no matter how reliable, properly maintained, and efficient your air conditioning unit is, you need to understand that it will not serve your home forever. Read More …

How to Tell That It Is Time for Residential AC Repair

30 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Just like any other electrical appliance in your home, your air conditioning unit requires regular servicing to help it perform to its fullest potential. Investing in regular air conditioning maintenance is the best strategy to improve safety, comfort, and indoor air quality in your home. Additionally, as a homeowner, it's imperative to familiarize yourself with the most common AC problems, which will help you take immediate action when something goes wrong. Read More …

Annual Furnace Maintenance Gets Your Furnace Ready To Run Safely And Efficiently Through The Winter

29 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Annual furnace maintenance is necessary to ensure your furnace operates safely and that it has no malfunctions that need to be repaired before winter sets in. A furnace maintenance technician will perform a number of tests, and they may service your equipment if needed. Here's a look at some things they might do. Check Carbon Monoxide Levels The maintenance technician may use a meter to test the carbon monoxide level in your home and in your furnace to make sure combustion gases are being vented properly. Read More …

Buying Water Heaters: Essential Things You Need To Know

9 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Modern households may need water heaters for different purposes. Whether it's doing your laundry, washing dishes, or bathing, water heaters are essential for every home. This shows why 18% of households' energy consumption goes to water heating. However, if you're thinking of purchasing a water heater, you may want a system that can cater to you and your family's needs. This post offers useful insights to get you started: Consider Energy Efficiency Read More …

The Heating Repairs For Boilers And In-Floor Heating Systems Before Summer

13 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you have an in-floor heating system installed in your home, repairs may need to be done before turning it off. The problems with these systems can lead to water damage if they are left during the warmer months. The following in-floor heating system repairs are some of the problems you may need to have repaired before summer. Failing Pumps Your heating system uses a water pump to circulate fluids through the tubes beneath the floors. Read More …